Friday 2 September 2016


The hardest part of the modeling of the face was getting the topology to be clean. Especially the eyes, At first I had done the eyelids closed and then I realised that you were supposed to delete those faces and put in an eyeball.  Overall the face wasn't too hard to model because I just followed the tutorials online. I think it's just getting the hang of the program itself is the hardest part (all the shortcuts and how things work). Once you get a hang of that it gets less complicated. 
Since Dottie is very cartoon-like she doesn't have very proportionate features (her nose is very small and her eyes are massive). For the nose, i just extruded four faces on the head and that was it, unlike an actual nose I didn't have to model the nostrils etc. I tried my hardest to stick to the model sheet but after a while, I started making her smaller and making small adjustments. I found her legs were way too long once I had taken the skirt off. also, the head was very very big so I made that a little smaller. A lot of people had said that the face looked too old for a toddler and I completely agree, so instead of starting the face again (because... no), I made her cheeks chubbier and bought her whole bottom jaw up higher. Also, I had started modelling the hands but realised I was doing it completely wrong (although I had done the thumb right), so I started them again. The problem with my model is that I did half the character first but then mirrored it too soon so I had to work on two halves at once and the symmetry tool didn't work for my work. 
Later I had trouble extruding the neck from the face but I figured it would have been because there was mani-fold geometry on my character (because I had extruded the eyelashes) so it was making some faces black and I didn't know how to get rid of them. I got rid of the eyelashes and then it worked. The hardest part for me would probably have to be deleting history and freezing my transformations. 
For my topology, I keep trying to make it better and better because I know we have to prepare our character's for deformation and deformation is "reliant" on good topology. Also, I had to look up a lot more on anatomy to see how the body moved and worked I figured it would be useful since Dottie will have to move and I want her moving nicely. 

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