Monday 22 August 2016

Dottie Update

This is what I have with my character at the moment. I'm finding it quite challenging to get the exact face shape, I did it in the end. I felt like I tried too much to make her look more human and to make her limbs thinner but that just ended up making her look older and not like my character at all. Dottie is supposed to be a young chubby little girl so that was why at first my original idea was to have her legs basically long cylinders. 

When I modeled Dottie I found that she still seemed too tall so I had to bring her torso down a bit. The hard thing was trying to model her body (without the skirt) without a proper turn around for it. I also think I made her hips very wide, which is something we don't notice with the skirt on but I still feel like it would be better if I shrunk the down a bit.  I made the hips a little wider originally because I wanted the skirt to sit on her hips but her skirt will have to just be a bit stiffer. ( In my original concept of Dottie that was what I had thought but I didn't know if that would work out.) 

I made the hair by duplicating the head of Dottie then extruding the outer faces slightly to give it more depth. I then went on to add the spikes of her hair and the top ponytail. I did it like this because I wanted the hair to fit perfectly on her head and I thought that this could also be easier than having to model a whole new piece starting from scratch. 

At first, I was thinking of making her torso separate to her limbs and head because I wanted to make her dress, but then I decided it would be too complicated to model every piece of her separately and the joining them all together. What I am still thinking of doing though is to duplicate her torso and resize it or even just extrude the faces a little bit (as is did the hair) and to make it one piece with the skirt piece so that having her wearing a separate dress is possible and I also think it would make the seams of the dress easier to see rather than it being just the colours that differentiate the dress from her body. 

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