Monday 8 August 2016

Feedback for Dottie

So today I have gotten some feedback back about Dottie. A lot of the feedback is saying that she is cute and her rounded and soft body shapes show her innocence. When I used rounder shapes I was hoping to make her seem young and innocent so I am very glad that came across properly.
I've had at least two comments about how I should possibly reduce the size of her torso so I think this might actually work better since looking back at my designs I do feel it would make her look even cuter and younger.
I've had a few comments on the colours I was leaning towards saying that there is too much pink. I will definitely experiment with different colours, I want to try different, maybe darker or lighter shades of pink. I wanted it to be pink because the character herself loves pink.
On the subject of her dress, someone also told me that I could put a pattern on it to "break up the white spaces", I think that this is also something that would be worth trying. Obviously, I was trying to go for a simpler design and thought that it just might be easier to make a dress with no pattern but maybe I have made it too simple.

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