Monday 9 May 2016

Scarlet's Ordeal Phase

This is was written to make storyboarding easier.

The Song Of The Sea
Scarlet's Ordeal Phase

Reluctantly, Scarlet started towards the royal chamber where her mother was waiting. It was moments like these that the young siren dreaded most. Knowing that conflict with her mother, the person who she was most afraid of disappointing, was just around the corner made her tremble with fear. 
 Timidly she entered the large, dimly lit chamber, apprehensive of what was to come next. As she swam into view and Maeve's furious gaze was cast upon her, scarlet felt like running away and never looking back. "Scarlet," began Maeve, "You may be my daughter and heir to the throne, but I will not have my name and reputation of the kingdom tainted by your childish antics!" 
"Mother, please..." began Scarlet.
"Enough!" Interrupted the furious queen. "you've caused enough trouble as it is. Either you go and make your mother proud, or you forfeit everything. I don't want to see your face again until that miserable sailor has been disposed of."

Maeve was not the type to accept no for an answer. Scarlet fled the chamber in tears. Never had she been so emotionally torn. She couldn't kill Ferdinand, she had never felt so alive as when she was with him. Unsure of what to do, feeling drained from her sorrow, Scarlet made her way toward the island as the dark of the night was slowly setting in. As she approached the beach she caught sight of Ferdinand carrying driftwood to words a small fireplace he had it in the sandy dunes. Instantly she felt a sense of relief and comfort. 

As Ferdinand sat with scarlet in the shallows, she began to feel more and more like she could stand up to her terrifying mother. Ferdinand told her of the freedoms that came with being a pirate. Having no master, no rules or regulations, going wherever the tides took him. Listening only to the wind in his sails and sound of the crashing waves, or as he liked to call it, the song of the sea. 

"That sounds amazing," said Scarlet, captivated by this new concept of freedom. A part of her was so terrified, as Ferdinand's beliefs went against everything her mother stood for. Ferdinand, seeing hat scarlet was so taken by the idea, decided to take action. 
"come and be free with me," He said leaning close to the siren.
"But I can't!" replied Scarlet. "My mother... The kingdom..." 
"You aren't happy here Scarlet! You need to cut all ties to this place." As he said this, he snatched the sinister looking gem that Scarlet's mother had told her to wear at all times from around her neck. 
"Follow the song of the sea!" he said excitedly, a fire burning in his eyes. 
With that a bright light enveloped Scarlet and turned her scales into a beautiful lush colour of green, her eyes lit up as she was overwhelmed with love and happiness.

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