Saturday 7 May 2016

Research For Olivia

I tried to look for gifs that would help me with animating my animation. The best thing I found was that gifs were really good for this sort of animation because it needs to be short. I wanted her transformation to not occur so abruptly even with the short amount of time that I have to animate the transformation. At first, I envisioned in my mind that the room could be flooded with light as she touches the Keyhole and then fades and we see her changed. Then I went to a concept of the colour starting from when her hand touches the keyhole and gradually diffusing throughout her body from there (the source).  I liked the lighting in "the paperman" Gif where there is a lot of light behind her. I was thinking I could eventually do something like that. I liked the idea of starting off with her face as well, or maybe even having a close-up of her face as she is transforming or at the end of her transformation. I will have to make concepts for all the ideas that I have.  

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