Thursday 11 August 2016

Dottie, Colours and Turnaround

For the colours of Dottie I was thinking about all the different types of races and hair types, I didn't want to limit myself to just one skin colour and one or two hair colours. I then thought about all the colours that would go with her personality, colours like Yellow, Pink, Bright blue, most bright colours. She's cheeky and young and loves pink so a majority of the colours are a shade of pink. I think that the pink dress with the light pink polka dots might be my favourite so far. Her name is Dottie after all so I thought that would really bring out her bright personality and her name. For the turnaround, i need to make a three-quarter view and a bottom and top view, mostly because I want to get the hands right and so I will need referencing for them. I guess it will also help with the feet. 

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