Thursday 23 June 2016

Final Blog Entry

For this project I animated Olivia, A young girl stuck in an abusive relationship, her world is in black and white she comes across until a mysterious keyhole that pushes her to leave which in turn revives the colour in her. For this I did a lot of research, I researched about how depressed people walk, act and look. I wanted the animation to be slightly gloomy and eerie, for this, the light had to be minimal and the background too. I first wanted the animation to be a low angle shot and then pans up to a mid shot, but then I decided to make it a wide shot for the whole animation. As she “transforms into colour” I wanted her to seem like her confidence was boosted so I made her smile at the end and have her standing upright rather than hunched like in the beginning.

I have redone this animation about seven times and I’m still not one hundred percent happy with it. The walk is wobbly and they hand jerk. I have made another animation with a slightly better walk but she shrunk and then the end of the animation was all wrong. I haven’t had much luck with animate either, it has crashed on me multiple times. I think where I went wrong in my animation was in the rough I hadn’t taken into consideration the length of the walk and the timing. One thing I have struggled with most is the timing charts, I wrote down all my time charts and tried to figure out the timing of the characters actions but with no luck. When I made my animations rough it was very stiff and the walk was very unrealistic, then I re- did my walk and she looked too confident and she was walking too fast.
After tirelessly trying to get it right I went with the one that looked the best despite the wobbly walk.

I had some comments on how the shape of her wasn’t entirely correct so I changed her a bit and made her look more like the original character. Some of my peers said it would be a good idea to make her hesitate before touching the door so I tried to do this and also adding facial expressions that might make it clear that she’s scared of what would happen if she touched the door. I feel like mostly the comments were relating to the walk, and that was so hard to try and fix.

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