Tuesday 10 May 2016

Song of the Sea - Ordeal Phase - Script

                                   Piece from the Song of the Sea
                                        Scarlet’s Ordeal Phase

Scene 1.
  • Scarlet swims towards the daunting royal chamber. Her body language is very reluctant and apprehensive. 
  • She enters the room and Maeve looks at her furiously. Scarlet is terrified. 

                           “Scarlet, you may be my daughter and heir to the throne, but I
                           will not have my name and the reputation of the kingdom tainted
                           by your childish antics!”

  • Maeve is clearly pissed off, brandishing her trident and shouting.

                           “Mother, please…” 

                           “Enough! You’ve caused enough trouble as it is. Either you go and 
                           make your mother proud or you forfeit everything. I don’t want to see 
                           your face again until that miserable sailor is disposed of.”

  • Scarlet, visibly upset at this point, flees the chamber in tears.

Scene 2.
  • Scarlet doesn’t know what she should do. Slowly she makes her way towards the island in the black of the night. 
  • As she swims through the dark waters she contemplates the way her mother treats her and how she feels when she is with Ferdinand.
  • The island comes into view and Ferdinand can be seen caring for a small fire he has lit.
  • The sight of him cheers Scarlet up slightly.

Scene 3.
  • Ferdinand sits in the shallow waters of the beach with Scarlet. He makes her feel safe. 
  • As they talk, Scarlet begins to gain confidence and feels the strength to stand up to her mother. 
  • Ferdinand talks of his life as a pirate and all the perks of freedom.

                         “I have no master, no rules or regulations! I go wherever the tides
                         take me and I listen only to the song of the sea! The wind in my 
                         sails and the crashing of waves are the only things guiding my path.” 

  • The idea excites Scarlet but also scares her.

                        “That sounds amazing..” 

  • Ferdinand can see that Scarlet is wary of his ideals, but can also see that she is captivated by them. He decides to act.
Scene 4.
  • Scarlet is worried about listening to Ferdinand as he goes against everything her mother stands for. 
  • But she wants to pursue the feeling he gives her and she is enthralled by his tales.
  • Ferdinand wants to convince Scarlet to stay with him and he starts getting excited by the prospect.

                         “Come and be free with me!” 

                         “But I can’t! My Mother… And the Kingdom…” 

                         “You aren’t happy here Scarlet! You need to cut all ties to this place 
                         and come with me. Follow the song of the sea!” 

  • Ferdinand, overcome with his excitement, reaches out and pulls the gem necklace which Scarlet wears for her mother from her neck.
  • Scarlet, slightly taken back by Ferdinand’s enthusiasm, doesn’t have a chance to stop him.
  • A bright magical light surrounds Scarlet as the curse of the Sirens is lifted with the breaking of the gem necklace.
  • Scarlets body transforms and her murky green Siren scales become beautiful shimmering Mermaid scales. 

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